Question Period (28 November 2024)

Question Period (28 November 2024)

From Hansard (28 November 2024)

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Costs Associated with Marshals Service

Nicole Sarauer: — Mr. Speaker, the Sask Party government has done nothing while community safety in our province has plummeted to last place. They promised a marshals service that has been widely panned by municipalities across the province, the RCMP [Royal Canadian Mounted Police], and many local police. And so far, Mr. Speaker, not one single new cop in Saskatchewan.

But one thing this government has done is waste thousands of dollars on campaign hats for these marshals. Can the minister explain why he’s so focused on buying hats when he doesn’t even have police officers to wear them?

Hon. Tim McLeod: — Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, we’re working to build public safety across this province by investing in additional police services, including the Saskatchewan marshals service. We’re also investing in municipal police services. We’re also investing in RCMP policing, Mr. Speaker.

Mr. Speaker, it is a commitment of our government to improve public safety across Saskatchewan, and that’s exactly what we’re doing. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Nicole Sarauer: — Mr. Speaker, this out-of-touch Sask Party government is way more focused on fashion than they are on fixing public safety. Campaign hats for this minister’s police force cost $587 each. We’ve talked to actual front-line police officers who cannot believe the waste. And for the record, they’ve got hats too, and they don’t cost $600.

Can the minister tell us how he can justify such high costs for hats for marshals that don’t even exist?

Hon. Tim McLeod: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And it is disappointing to see the disrespect being thrown at the public servants who are applying for these positions. Mr. Speaker, we’ve had over 129 applications for various positions within the Saskatchewan marshals, Mr. Speaker. These are hard-working public servants who, yes, they wear uniforms.

But I would point out, Mr. Speaker, that the equipment costs associated with the Saskatchewan marshals service are negotiated through a competitive process with SaskBuilds and Procurement. A standing offer for the supply of all equipment, Mr. Speaker, was made and the final costs have yet to be signed off on.

Mr. Speaker, we’ve got members opposite who are criticizing the equipment being used by our police officers. Would they stand and criticize the red serge being worn by our Saskatchewan RCMP, Mr. Speaker? That’s just shameful. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker Goudy: — Sorry, I’ll just mention that maybe it’s not disrespect that they are showing towards the public service. But just caution the member. Sorry.

Nicole Sarauer: — Mr. Speaker, Saskatchewan people are very tired of this Sask Party government’s waste and mismanagement. Maybe the minister doesn’t know yet where the money spent on the marshals has gone. Let’s talk about some of this equipment that’s being purchased for these marshals. I’m going to make this question really simple for the minister. To the minister: how much money in total has been spent on the marshals to date? And along with these hats, what else has it been spent on?

Hon. Tim McLeod: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. We are ahead of schedule with respect to the deployment of the marshals service. It’s expected that those boots will be on the ground in the summer of 2025, Mr. Speaker. That is ahead of the original scheduled timeline.

And if the members opposite have questions about budget and finances, Mr. Speaker, we have legitimate processes through this Legislative Assembly through supplemental estimates and budget review. Mr. Speaker, they can certainly ask those questions at that time. Thank you.

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