Introduction of Guests (9 May 2024)
From Hansard (9 May 2024)
To view this section on video, click here and start play at 10:06:30 AM.
Students from Peacock Collegiate
Hon. Mr. T. McLeod: — Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. To you and through you, it gives me great pleasure to introduce in the west gallery 19 students from A. E. Peacock Collegiate in Moose Jaw. Mr. Speaker, these students are here . . . Joined with them is their teacher Carrie Kiefer who’s no stranger to this Assembly and the gentleman who drove them safely here, Blaine Southgate. So thank you for that, sir.
And I would just say, Mr. Speaker, Ms. Kiefer has brought a number of classes to this Assembly and they are always incredibly well informed and well prepared for the questions afterward. And I look forward to meeting with them after question period today. If everybody . . .
An Hon. Member: — And ice cream.
Hon. Mr. T. McLeod: — And they’ll be pleased to know that my colleague has offered to buy them ice cream. If all members could please join me in welcoming these students and their teachers and driver to their Assembly.
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Constituency Assistant: Jacqui Stephens
200 – 99 Diefenbaker Drive
Moose Jaw, SK S6J 0C
Telephone: (306)-692-8884
Fax: (306)-693-3251
Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 12:00 and 12:30 to 4:00