Question Period (22 April 2024)

Question Period (22 April 2024)

From Hansard (22 April 2024)

To view this section on video, click here and start play at 2:22:40 PM.

 Overdose Deaths and Treatment for Addictions

Ms. Bowes: — Mr. Speaker, every year our province sets a new record for overdose deaths with more than one person dying of overdose every single day in this province. This government knows this, yet they cut supports and services in our communities that save lives.

In Alberta, similar addictions policies have seen a stark increase in the rate of overdose deaths. In that province, overdose deaths have risen by 25 per cent, Mr. Speaker. How many families have to lose their loved ones to this crisis before the minister will realize that his plan isn’t working?

Hon. Mr. T. McLeod: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, no illicit drugs are safe. No illicit drugs are safe. There is no safe use of an illicit drug, and I know the members opposite want to desperately convince the communities across Saskatchewan that there is somehow some safe use of an illicit drug. They want to flood our streets with needles and dirty crack pipes, Mr. Speaker, but that is not the strategy of this government, Mr. Speaker.

Mr. Speaker, our government is focused on treatment and recovery to help the individuals who need the supports necessary to overcome addiction, and that’s why we are expanding addiction treatment spaces. We’re making it easier for individuals to access those spaces, and we are wrapping the supports that they need to recover around them so that they can live healthy lives in recovery. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

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