Question Period (17 April 2024)

Question Period (17 April 2024)

From Hansard (17 April 2024)

To view this section on video, click here and start play at 2:23:15 PM.

 Overdose Deaths and Treatment for Addictions

Mr. Teed: — If these are the best answers that this government can offer, I think it is time for change.

Last year our province set a record for overdose deaths. This year the Sask Party announced cuts to the supports that keep people alive. In Alberta similar policies have led to a 25 per cent increase in the rate of overdose deaths.

Yes, Mr. Speaker, treatment is important. But you can’t check into a treatment centre if you have died from an overdose. When will we see an evidence-based plan from this government to make sure that 2024 won’t be another record-setting year for overdose deaths in Saskatchewan?

Hon. Mr. T. McLeod: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And if the member opposite wants to compare strategies to other provinces, I would encourage him to look just a little bit further to British Columbia and see how their strategy there is working, Mr. Speaker.

In this province, Mr. Speaker, we are focused on treatment and recovery because we know that we can save lives, heal families, and strengthen communities, Mr. Speaker, if we can help individuals find treatment and walk a path to recovery. And that’s why we are more than doubling the number of treatment spaces available in our communities across Saskatchewan. We are making it easier for people to access those treatment spaces, and we are wrapping supports around them through recovery oriented systems of care, Mr. Speaker, that address on a holistic basis the individual needs of each person battling an addiction so that we can ensure that they can walk the healthy path to recovery. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

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