Question Period (13 March 2024)

Question Period (13 March 2024)

From Hansard (13 March 2024)

To view this section on video, click here and start play at 2:17:55 PM.

 Overdose Deaths and Treatment for Addictions

Mr. Teed: — Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. Seventy-four lives have been lost due to overdoses in January and February of this year alone. Four hundred and seventy-six families lost loved ones to overdoses last year. This impacts families in every corner of our province, including my constituency.

The government’s decision to remove harm-reduction supports, and cut the things that will keep people alive, is only going to lead to more lives lost to overdose. When will this Sask Party government listen to those on the front lines and come up with a real, evidence-based plan that will save lives and prevent those overdoses?

Hon. Mr. T. McLeod: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As I’ve said many times and I will say again, every loss of life due to an overdose is a tragedy in this province. And that is why our government is committed to helping people overcome their addictions by supporting recovery, Mr. Speaker, so that individuals can live healthy lives in recovery. And by doing that, Mr. Speaker, we will save lives, we will heal families, and we will strengthen communities in Saskatchewan.

Mr. Speaker, no illicit drugs are safe, and that’s a message that we need to get out to the public so that they understand that there is no safe consumption of an illicit drug, Mr. Speaker. The message that we are sending to the people of Saskatchewan, Mr. Speaker, is that there is hope in recovery, and there is help available through treatment.

And that’s why, Mr. Speaker, we are creating more addictions treatment spaces, we are making it easier for people to access those spaces, and we are wrapping supports around them through recovery-oriented systems of care while they are in the system. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

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