Question Period (6 December 2023)
From Hansard (6 December 2023)
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Overdose Deaths and Treatment for Addictions
Mr. Clarke: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, new numbers posted today on the Saskatchewan coroner’s website show how out of control the overdose crisis in our province is. Four hundred and thirty-seven people have lost their lives this year. That’s a new record, and there’s still one month to go.
Everyone in Saskatchewan knows someone who has been impacted by this crisis wreaking havoc in our communities large and small. Four hundred thirty-seven Saskatchewan people — children, mothers, fathers, aunties, and uncles. Every one of them was a Saskatchewan person lost too soon.
When will we see a real plan from this government to address the overdose crisis and stop the harm in our communities?
Hon. Mr. T. McLeod: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Certainly our government recognizes and acknowledges that the toxic drug supply in this province is a grave concern, and our hearts go out to the families who have lost a loved one. As the member indicated, we all know someone who has been touched by an overdose.
Mr. Speaker, that is precisely why our government is focusing our attention on the recovery of individuals and the treatment of individuals so that they can overcome their addictions and lead healthy lives in recovery. To that end, Mr. Speaker, we are making record investments in mental health and addictions.
We’ve unveiled a five-year mental health and addictions action plan that is doubling the number of addictions treatment spaces, making it easier for individuals to access those spaces, and again, Mr. Speaker, focusing on a recovery-oriented system of care to help those individuals overcome their addiction and lead healthy lives in recovery. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
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