Question Period (16 November 2023)

Question Period (16 November 2023)

From Hansard (16 November 2023)

To view this section on video, click here and start play at 10:55:05 AM.

 Provision of Health Care Services

Ms. Wilson: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It’s bad enough our ambulances aren’t coming when called, now we are experiencing hospital brownouts for emergency services. The Tisdale Hospital’s emergency and out-patient department was closed on October 20th and 21st. Closed, Mr. Speaker.

Residents across the province are telling me they are not confident their local hospital will be open and available to provide emergency services. They are forced to make choices about which hospital to drive their loved ones to, because they don’t know which one will be open and ready to treat them.

This government’s complete mismanagement of our health care system is forcing patients to play Russian roulette when making choices about their health. Do they call an ambulance? Will it even come? Do they drive to the hospital? Will the hospital’s emergency service be open?

Mr. Speaker, does this government have any explanations for their complete mismanagement of our prepaid health services?

Hon. Mr. T. McLeod: — Thank you. Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. And of course this government does have a plan. It’s a four-point plan that was announced a year ago, and it’s a health human resources action plan. And it is working, Mr. Speaker. That plan recruits new health care providers, it trains more, and it’s incentivizing and retaining, Mr. Speaker.

We’ve seen success over that plan. We will continue to see success with that plan. We know that there are pressures in our rural and remote health care facilities, Mr. Speaker, but that plan is addressing those. Those pressures are not unique to Saskatchewan, Mr. Speaker, they’re extended right across the country. And we will continue to address those problems right here at home. Thanks, Mr. Speaker.

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