Introduction of Guests (26 October 2023)
From Hansard (26 October 2023)
To view this section on video, click here and start play at 10:07:05 AM.
Visitors from Hillcrest Church
Hon. Mr. T. McLeod: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And this morning it is my pleasure to introduce Pastor Dave Wicks and a group of seniors from the Hillcrest Church in Moose Jaw who are seated in the west gallery. If they could just give us a wave.
Mr. Speaker, Dave is a member of the pastoral team at Hillcrest Church, and part of his work includes developing programs for seniors within our community. Today the group will be attending the morning session followed by a tour of the Legislative Building. Mr. Speaker, I’m looking forward to meeting with the group and visiting with them after today’s proceedings.
I’m very thankful for the ongoing work that Hillcrest Church does to help the residents of Moose Jaw and surrounding community. I would ask all members to please join me in welcoming Pastor Dave and this group from Moose Jaw.
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Constituency Assistant: Jacqui Stephens
200 – 99 Diefenbaker Drive
Moose Jaw, SK S6J 0C
Telephone: (306)-692-8884
Fax: (306)-693-3251
Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 12:00 and 12:30 to 4:00